Clinical Portfolio 

Smile makeover for UL3-UR3 with whitening, composite bonding and crown

Removing white spots on ul1 and composite bonding on ul2

UL6 has broken with loose Amalgam filling, emax onlay made after deep margin elevation and

immediate dentine seal. Emax fitted on ul6 shows good margin. UL7 had caries so before

onlay prep, ul7 composite was done first before EMAX onlay fitted. 

Both UL54 have caries, UL5 had RCT with post inside. After comp on ul4,deep margin

elevation has been achieved before crown prep on UL4 for emax crown

Emax onlay fit under rubber dam.

UR56 both have deep caries close to gum level. Under rubber dam with PTFE soaked with astringent solution, doing filling one after another to regenerate the proximal natural contour under rubber dam , deep margin elevation achieved. 

Chair side composite build up for debonded comp veneer. with split dam, using PTFE protecting neighbouring teeth and polished using finishing disc following Monick Vasant work flow. 

Chair side composite onlay

UL5 is vital with caries and fracture line with very minimal tooth structure, occlusal surface is concave after full caries removal, not suitable to have indirect restoration. This patient is due to have a provisional denture however due to bite collapse on left hand side we do not know the exact occlusal plane.Composite onlay is chosen for this case, easy for adjustment if pt cannot tolerate the new occlusal plane. 


deep margin elevation with thermal condensation for RCT. UR5

pt comp veneer came off, with split dam, and ptfe tape before etch prime bond, shell technique applied to build up a shell.

Venus pearl UL6 composite restoration

Empress Direct Composite restoration 

LL7 fractured tooth syndrome, vital tooth with deep crack line:  After temporary chair side composite onlay slightly above occlusal place,  pain symptoms resolved fully.  pt happy to have monolithic zirconia to seal the tooth.

Root canal treatment for LR7:

Pre op: 3 canals with apical radiolgucency.

Working length radiograph: ensures size 15 files at apex locator showing 0, then definitive working length determined by moving the size 15 file 1mm backwards, then working length radiograph is taken with 3 size 15 files.

Stoppers were placed by leveling with the reference cusp tips accordingly.


Master GP radiograph: after rotary negotiation, tug back is achieved at DWL, radiograph shows 1mm shorter from apical constriction.


Post op: root filling after obturation.


All radiographs apart from post op were taken under rubber dam ensures perfect seal.